obsidian sample osc: set/limit key ranges
I've imported a set of multisamples into an obsidian osc. I need to limit the upper key range, however (the other 2 oscillators will be used for other multisamples and I don't want overlap). Kind of a simple question but I can't seem to find where/how to do it: how does one set the KEY RANGE for a sample that's mapped?
Hey! Welcome to the forum!

In this example my highest sample is of note A4. Select ‘Key’ (highlighted in red) and you will see the screen below. Use the arrows to set the range for the note, for example the Max might be B4, and then OSC 2 could have samples from C4-C6 (or whatever) that are different samples for a split keyboard. I assume you are trying to do something like that?
Hope this helps.