My opinion is that most of the Gadget synths are basically preset boxes which do the one or two things they do spectacularly well but they don’t really go outside their bread and butter sound.
don't think so.. there are few pretty powerfull synths.. don't forget polysix, mono/poly, waveststion, oddysei, ms20.. and now electribe wave inside gadget ... there is lot synths inside with actually more modulation posibilities than half of AU plugins..
of course there is no such allrouder like Obsidian with 5 lfos, 5 envelopes, advanced multifilter and complex mod matrix - ,but still sonic range of Gadget synths sumed togother is almost endless...
The thing with any synth on iOS that’s a recreation of hardware is it’s NOT HARDWARE. So it’s nowhere near the same experience. I had a MonoPoly. Awesome synth as hardware. As an iOS synth it’s meh. Odyssey and several others the same.
You don’t access them the same way so you don’t get the same results and they’re just not as much fun. IMHO a synth built for specifically for iOS typically is a better experience.
The synths in Caustic are great. Obsidian folds pretty much all of those types of synths into one package that’s easy to use and sounds great.
Most sounds you hear from just about any iOS synth can be created in Obsidian.
@Stiksi said:
The bigger ones that are gadgetized from separate apps might be much deeper, I haven’t bought them so I don’t know.
uhm, sorry i need to read properly :-))
but also other synths which are gadget-only are quite good... Wolfsburg - 2 oscillators, 2lfos, 2envelopes, 4 slot modmatrix ... or Phoenix which is silently OBXd clone.. you can do a lot of sound design with most of them.. many analogue synths are not better equiped in terms of modulation capacity than most of Gadget synths ..
@anickt said:
The thing with any synth on iOS that’s a recreation of hardware is it’s NOT HARDWARE. So it’s nowhere near the same experience. I had a MonoPoly. Awesome synth as hardware. As an iOS synth it’s meh. Odyssey and several others the same.
You don’t access them the same way so you don’t get the same results and they’re just not as much fun. IMHO a synth built for specifically for iOS typically is a better experience.
The synths in Caustic are great. Obsidian folds pretty much all of those types of synths into one package that’s easy to use and sounds great.
Most sounds you hear from just about any iOS synth can be created in Obsidian.
Thanks for this post, I was foolishly debating whether to get the other 6 sound pack in app purchases that I don’t have for Obsidian while getting caught up in the latest thread on Audiobus forum about Gadget. I have more than enough of that and I immediately went back to Nanostudio to take advantage of the great sale!! Can’t wait to dive in and check out everything( I’m tired from grocery shopping right now so later looks good)
@anickt said:
The thing with any synth on iOS that’s a recreation of hardware is it’s NOT HARDWARE. So it’s nowhere near the same experience. I had a MonoPoly. Awesome synth as hardware. As an iOS synth it’s meh. Odyssey and several others the same.
You don’t access them the same way so you don’t get the same results and they’re just not as much fun. IMHO a synth built for specifically for iOS typically is a better experience.
The synths in Caustic are great. Obsidian folds pretty much all of those types of synths into one package that’s easy to use and sounds great.
Most sounds you hear from just about any iOS synth can be created in Obsidian.
Thanks for this post, I was foolishly debating whether to get the other 6 sound pack in app purchases that I don’t have for Obsidian while getting caught up in the latest thread on Audiobus forum about Gadget. I have more than enough of that and I immediately went back to Nanostudio to take advantage of the great sale!! Can’t wait to dive in and check out everything( I’m tired from grocery shopping right now so later looks good)
I’ve been making music on iOS for 6 years but never found a linear DAW I really liked—until NS2. I credit the streamlined UI and its wealth of creative shortcuts for presenting a fast and easy workflow like no other. I also appreciate having both great built-in devices AND auv3 support. NS2 has doubled my productivity, and I expect adding audio tracks will double it yet again.
@le_filou Hey brother, glad to see you here! Always dig your jams with the OP-1 and Digitakt, really looking forward to hearing your iOS creations!
The first Nanostudio really clicked with me in 2010. The TRG was the perfect pocket drum machine and Eden was like a mini EPS16. The combination made for an extremely handy groovebox/workstation that could run on a 3rd gen iPod touch!
Nothing else has clicked with me quite like NS2 on iPad, however Group The Loop offers another type of workflow that scratches an itch too. I used NS2 heavily for Jamuary this year, which yielded an 11 track release. In February I recorded another 11 track release using it as well, this time incorporating more KQ Dixie. Currently I'm using NS2 as a groovebox essentially, making loops in GTL and occasionally making stems for use in MultitrackDAW or Cubasis2.
Once NS2 has audio tracks things should get really interesting!
It's been a while since I've been to these forums. Between August and yesterday, the only track I've produced was "Logical" that some of you have already heard under Creations. August-now, I've suffered from depression due to family-related issues (i.e. a family member had a stroke and has since passed).
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Yesterday, I was contacted by a very well-known EDM producer to remix his upcoming single! And despite having only produced one track in the past months, this has got me off my arse and back into producing music. The floodgates have been reopened.
The remix is straight up Uplifting Trance like something you'd hear from Armin Van Buuren. I'm working in tandem with the producer to make sure it's what he wants. So far, the producer told me it has a "killer groove" and has no complaints or suggestions. Little does this producer know that the remix is being produced entirely from start to finish in Nanostudio 2 on my iPad Mini. (Sorry iPhone, but I need my Fab Filters. )
So, despite a 5-month block, I'm back in it mates.
@jwmmakerofmusic said:
It's been a while since I've been to these forums. Between August and yesterday, the only track I've produced was "Logical" that some of you have already heard under Creations. August-now, I've suffered from depression due to family-related issues (i.e. a family member had a stroke and has since passed).
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Yesterday, I was contacted by a very well-known EDM producer to remix his upcoming single! And despite having only produced one track in the past months, this has got me off my arse and back into producing music. The floodgates have been reopened.
The remix is straight up Uplifting Trance like something you'd hear from Armin Van Buuren. I'm working in tandem with the producer to make sure it's what he wants. So far, the producer told me it has a "killer groove" and has no complaints or suggestions. Little does this producer know that the remix is being produced entirely from start to finish in Nanostudio 2 on my iPad Mini. (Sorry iPhone, but I need my Fab Filters. )
So, despite a 5-month block, I'm back in it mates.
Sounds awesome, congrats! I can’t wait to hear it! 👍
Ok the start made me jump because I had the headphones way too loud, but then the buildup made me want to jump, so post more, please
Oh I wish I could mate, but can't. Just wait and see for the single release.
@dendy said:
weeeeej... cool.. what stiksi said, we want to hear beat drop !!!
is this NS production ? If yes , ir should be mentioned somewhere, thst wouls be good promo for NS :-)
It sure will be excellent promotion, because it was produced 100% in Nanostudio on my iPad Mini. I'm not sure if they used my mastered versions or if they mastered their own version from the unmastered versions, but either way, a full NS2 production is going to be released as a remix on the single of a famous Dance Music group legend - Sash! If you know tunes such as "Encore Une Fois", "Ecuador", "Mysterious Times", and so on and so forth, you know who Sash! are.
I recommand Machina, my newest one. The only Track which drove my Ipad Pro 2018 Cpu almost to the max 😊:
stay healthy everybody!
WOW ! Top class music ! Really amazing quality ! Did you try to send it to some label ? I think this is good quality even for Mau5trap !!
Epic. Absolutely epic track.
SO I just jumped in, Im using a 8 years old iphone 5c with the original nanostudio in addition to pc and mac with my workflow and exporting. my music with ns1 is here in the EPs death glow and influenced by reality
i made some back in 2011 with it some of it i still enjoy but songwriting has progressed since then and i'm very fond of the buildup/pivot-peak accomplished in all my recent compositions.
The first thing I've encountered is that now notes are moving on me when I am just trying to hold them down and hear if the tone is right ( i compose by ear , by hear - i hear the line or melody or whatever then get it written out into the note lane, then play around and make sure / hear new parts as i do this) i need to be able to touch it to hear if its the right tone, and play them in different orders after i have them written out without disrupting its tone or rhythm position. please help me figure it out.
side note / relevant here as i jump into ns2 ---- my fondest apps besides nanostudio are dead and gone, noise IO and Piano studio, they had been there since early early in pre app store and first few ios that had real app store. , which gave me a synth to really dig into and a piano instrument to set up customized buttons for really getting awesome piano into digital portable composition. nothing at all has come out from these makers or any imitators it seems like to fill that void. i hoped to see some nanostudio excellence to help us in this department, so i dont have to battle with garage band to get more synths and piano
@obtuseobtuse said:
SO I just jumped in, Im using a 8 years old iphone 5c with the original nanostudio in addition to pc and mac with my workflow and exporting. my music with ns1 is here in the EPs death glow and influenced by reality
i made some back in 2011 with it some of it i still enjoy but songwriting has progressed since then and i'm very fond of the buildup/pivot-peak accomplished in all my recent compositions.
The first thing I've encountered is that now notes are moving on me when I am just trying to hold them down and hear if the tone is right ( i compose by ear , by hear - i hear the line or melody or whatever then get it written out into the note lane, then play around and make sure / hear new parts as i do this) i need to be able to touch it to hear if its the right tone, and play them in different orders after i have them written out without disrupting its tone or rhythm position. please help me figure it out.
You can use the vertical keyboard on the left side to try out tones.
Well, since the last post, I've entered two songs into the USA Songwriting Competition. I forgot what the first one was, but the other was "San Juanito" which I entered under the "instrumental" category.
I came along from NS1. I was an early adopter back in the day, wrapped my head around it and produced tons of material. Then I took a while off, and ended up frustrated with not having the same sort of software in Android and bought an iPad and NS2. It's like coming home, but while i've been away it's been rennovated. I'm loving it. The fact I can plug a mixing console in directly without having to bounce stems and import them into a DAW is amazing, saves me a ton of time.
I just started. Figuring out how to put external audio tracks into ns2. As sample i guess? That worked for ns1. The sound of drums and synth is very in your fave high eq, made for commercial bangers but less for subtlety an warmth. Am I the only one who experiences this? For now I prefer ns1 but I havent really tried yet.
Hey rolandobabel! I use audio clips in Slate much as we did with TRG in NS1. I agree, Obsidian’s factory sounds are a bit more on the edgy side, but I highly recommend the IAP sounds to broaden the pallet. And it is super easy to create multisample presets for Obsidian to get nearly any sound into/out of NS2. Also, if you haven’ tried yet, creating synth presets in Obsidian is pretty easy as well.
don't think so.. there are few pretty powerfull synths.. don't forget polysix, mono/poly, waveststion, oddysei, ms20.. and now electribe wave inside gadget ... there is lot synths inside with actually more modulation posibilities than half of AU plugins..
of course there is no such allrouder like Obsidian with 5 lfos, 5 envelopes, advanced multifilter and complex mod matrix - ,but still sonic range of Gadget synths sumed togother is almost endless...
The thing with any synth on iOS that’s a recreation of hardware is it’s NOT HARDWARE. So it’s nowhere near the same experience. I had a MonoPoly. Awesome synth as hardware. As an iOS synth it’s meh. Odyssey and several others the same.
You don’t access them the same way so you don’t get the same results and they’re just not as much fun. IMHO a synth built for specifically for iOS typically is a better experience.
The synths in Caustic are great. Obsidian folds pretty much all of those types of synths into one package that’s easy to use and sounds great.
Most sounds you hear from just about any iOS synth can be created in Obsidian.
uhm, sorry i need to read properly :-))
but also other synths which are gadget-only are quite good... Wolfsburg - 2 oscillators, 2lfos, 2envelopes, 4 slot modmatrix ... or Phoenix which is silently OBXd clone.. you can do a lot of sound design with most of them.. many analogue synths are not better equiped in terms of modulation capacity than most of Gadget synths ..
Thanks for this post, I was foolishly debating whether to get the other 6 sound pack in app purchases that I don’t have for Obsidian while getting caught up in the latest thread on Audiobus forum about Gadget. I have more than enough of that and I immediately went back to Nanostudio to take advantage of the great sale!! Can’t wait to dive in and check out everything( I’m tired from grocery shopping right now so later looks good)
I’ve been making music on iOS for 6 years but never found a linear DAW I really liked—until NS2. I credit the streamlined UI and its wealth of creative shortcuts for presenting a fast and easy workflow like no other. I also appreciate having both great built-in devices AND auv3 support. NS2 has doubled my productivity, and I expect adding audio tracks will double it yet again.
@le_filou Hey brother, glad to see you here! Always dig your jams with the OP-1 and Digitakt, really looking forward to hearing your iOS creations!
The first Nanostudio really clicked with me in 2010. The TRG was the perfect pocket drum machine and Eden was like a mini EPS16. The combination made for an extremely handy groovebox/workstation that could run on a 3rd gen iPod touch!
Nothing else has clicked with me quite like NS2 on iPad, however Group The Loop offers another type of workflow that scratches an itch too. I used NS2 heavily for Jamuary this year, which yielded an 11 track release. In February I recorded another 11 track release using it as well, this time incorporating more KQ Dixie. Currently I'm using NS2 as a groovebox essentially, making loops in GTL and occasionally making stems for use in MultitrackDAW or Cubasis2.
Once NS2 has audio tracks things should get really interesting!
It's been a while since I've been to these forums. Between August and yesterday, the only track I've produced was "Logical" that some of you have already heard under Creations. August-now, I've suffered from depression due to family-related issues (i.e. a family member had a stroke and has since passed).
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Yesterday, I was contacted by a very well-known EDM producer to remix his upcoming single! And despite having only produced one track in the past months, this has got me off my arse and back into producing music. The floodgates have been reopened.
The remix is straight up Uplifting Trance like something you'd hear from Armin Van Buuren. I'm working in tandem with the producer to make sure it's what he wants. So far, the producer told me it has a "killer groove" and has no complaints or suggestions. Little does this producer know that the remix is being produced entirely from start to finish in Nanostudio 2 on my iPad Mini. (Sorry iPhone, but I need my Fab Filters.
So, despite a 5-month block, I'm back in it mates.
@jwmmakerofmusic just out of curiosity, which EDM producer ?
Wait and see.
Sounds awesome, congrats! I can’t wait to hear it! 👍
@dendy @stiksi Here's a teaser of the build up.
Ok the start made me jump because I had the headphones way too loud, but then the buildup made me want to jump, so post more, please
weeeeej... cool.. what stiksi said, we want to hear beat drop !!!
is this NS production ? If yes , ir should be mentioned somewhere, thst wouls be good promo for NS :-)
All my Tracks with NS2 this year:
I recommand Machina, my newest one. The only Track which drove my Ipad Pro 2018 Cpu almost to the max 😊:
stay healthy everybody!
Oh I wish I could mate, but can't. Just wait and see for the single release.
It sure will be excellent promotion, because it was produced 100% in Nanostudio on my iPad Mini.
I'm not sure if they used my mastered versions or if they mastered their own version from the unmastered versions, but either way, a full NS2 production is going to be released as a remix on the single of a famous Dance Music group legend - Sash! If you know tunes such as "Encore Une Fois", "Ecuador", "Mysterious Times", and so on and so forth, you know who Sash! are.
Machina is amazing!
That's excellent work. It has an Industrial Synthwave vibe to it that I really like. (At least, that's my interpretation.)
WOW ! Top class music ! Really amazing quality ! Did you try to send it to some label ? I think this is good quality even for Mau5trap !!
Epic. Absolutely epic track.
SO I just jumped in, Im using a 8 years old iphone 5c with the original nanostudio in addition to pc and mac with my workflow and exporting. my music with ns1 is here in the EPs death glow and influenced by reality
i made some back in 2011 with it some of it i still enjoy but songwriting has progressed since then and i'm very fond of the buildup/pivot-peak accomplished in all my recent compositions.
The first thing I've encountered is that now notes are moving on me when I am just trying to hold them down and hear if the tone is right ( i compose by ear , by hear - i hear the line or melody or whatever then get it written out into the note lane, then play around and make sure / hear new parts as i do this) i need to be able to touch it to hear if its the right tone, and play them in different orders after i have them written out without disrupting its tone or rhythm position. please help me figure it out.
side note / relevant here as i jump into ns2 ---- my fondest apps besides nanostudio are dead and gone, noise IO and Piano studio, they had been there since early early in pre app store and first few ios that had real app store. , which gave me a synth to really dig into and a piano instrument to set up customized buttons for really getting awesome piano into digital portable composition. nothing at all has come out from these makers or any imitators it seems like to fill that void. i hoped to see some nanostudio excellence to help us in this department, so i dont have to battle with garage band to get more synths and piano
You can use the vertical keyboard on the left side to try out tones.
Well, since the last post, I've entered two songs into the USA Songwriting Competition. I forgot what the first one was, but the other was "San Juanito" which I entered under the "instrumental" category.
And, I placed as a finalist!
All completely produced on the iPad in Nanostudio 2 (the description on Soundcloud explains more)! And thus my journey continues...
Great work, congratulations!!
Thanks mate.
I came along from NS1. I was an early adopter back in the day, wrapped my head around it and produced tons of material. Then I took a while off, and ended up frustrated with not having the same sort of software in Android and bought an iPad and NS2. It's like coming home, but while i've been away it's been rennovated. I'm loving it. The fact I can plug a mixing console in directly without having to bounce stems and import them into a DAW is amazing, saves me a ton of time.
I just started. Figuring out how to put external audio tracks into ns2. As sample i guess? That worked for ns1. The sound of drums and synth is very in your fave high eq, made for commercial bangers but less for subtlety an warmth. Am I the only one who experiences this? For now I prefer ns1 but I havent really tried yet.
Hey rolandobabel! I use audio clips in Slate much as we did with TRG in NS1. I agree, Obsidian’s factory sounds are a bit more on the edgy side, but I highly recommend the IAP sounds to broaden the pallet. And it is super easy to create multisample presets for Obsidian to get nearly any sound into/out of NS2. Also, if you haven’ tried yet, creating synth presets in Obsidian is pretty easy as well.
I produced this official remix on my iPad in NS2. Cheers mates.