Neurofunk in Obsidian
I’m interested to see if anyone has managed to make a decent neurofunk bass patch in Obsidian as I’m struggling lol. Please could you help me out or point me in the right direction? TIA.
I’m interested to see if anyone has managed to make a decent neurofunk bass patch in Obsidian as I’m struggling lol. Please could you help me out or point me in the right direction? TIA.
@dendy - can you help out Pete?
Dendy has created the neuro-themed bass patches in the factory presets. Probably the best bet is to start with them. The complex class in the wavetable oscillator is made for these kinds of sounds. But to be honest, Obsidian is not Serum, so it’s going to be a lot of work. An OTT-type multiband compressor AU might be useful though. Barkfilter maybe, although FAC Maxima is sometimes more effective. Also multiband distortion / overdrive, I use FAC Bandit a lot, I hear Saturn is the goat if you have the budget for Fabfilter, I don’t. But I don’t really do a lot of neuro, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
There’s also WOOTT auv3 by Bram Bos - literally modelled on OTT:
Oh hey 👍
Thanks for the feedback I’m trying to get some close basses to Noisia, Phace, Mefjus etc but not entirely sure it’s possible with Obsidian. There doesn’t seem to be many tutorials on NS2 regarding bass design which is a shame.
As bass like this would be sick if it could be created in Obsidian
I think @Cray23 is the resident expert on bass here. Would you like to weigh in?
@Stiksi hehe:D I’m not sure I could be called expert:D @petenennstiel1989 trying to match heavy weights like noisia ( my top dnb group) with obsidian might be bit difficult although not impossible if you alright with close approximation:D definitely layering multiple obsidians and abusing eq/waveshapers and filter will definitely help. I’ll make some patches and Dropbox it here soon ( and will hope you will approve it;) )
@petenennstiel1989 I didn’t spend much time on it but perhaps you get something out of it;) here’s little pattern ( I didn’t go for copy of that noisia bass, I just made some DnB basses;)
Let me know if it fits or I could try something else;)
Also I did went only with nanostudio’s fx as I don’t know what you have but few to note and get if you are into this sort of thing are, stark, fab filter Saturn, and pretty much all distortion fx you can get;) some nice eqs too
Dude I am absolutely blown away by this, I’m going to study this for a while to try and learn bits, tbh I haven’t used the FM oscillator yet as wasn’t sure how to program it. This is sick though man well done gives me a good starting point for learning, I tried to look for bass tutorials for obsidian and found that there were hardly any around, maybe you could do some? Lol. Thanks again man this is very helpful.
@petenennstiel1989 I’m glad I could help;)
Also don’t forget you can resample obsidian and then load that as oscillator and continue from there. When you finish something, make sure you put it here as well so we can listen your creations;)
Sorry for being a complete noob but how to you reds ole obsidian?
@petenennstiel1989 I’m not sure what do you mean but if you are asking how to resample obsidian then you can make one bar ( or longer, as you find fit) note/sequence with automation etc of your desired sound(that may be multiple obsidians or just single), then mixdown it from project settings page and then load that sample into obsidian osc - sample. This way you can layer three of them and use filters, Lfos, etc. If that sample loops, then that’s even better as pitchbend usually sounds great on higher settings for some stabs:D another thing which is good to know I believe or at least I use it sometimes is to use very short attack/decay envelope on pitch with something like +48 semitones but that all depends on type of bass as this tends to sound bit kickey;) anyway try it to hear it for your self. Btw When using eq so aggressively like in that example, remember to put waveshaper after it to bring the signal down (it would clip as hell:DDD without it+It adds distortion if needed). Waveshaper is great tool! Also on drums;) I use it in all of my tracks
Great stuff @Cray23 knew you’d be the one for this! 👍
@Cray23 Damn autocorrect lol yes that’s exactly what I meant thanks for all your help man, you sir are a legend. I’ve been messing around with the fm oscillator and have come up with some weird basses 😂 accidentally created some sort of foghorn bass, not quite to the level of Benny L, Skantia, Voltage etc but can kinda hear the sound. Thanks again man much appreciated.
Sorry for all the questions but how do I share what I’ve created? I’m trying to share as the file format that you did but can’t work out how to do it?
Managed to work it out, this isn’t neurofunk but is a starting 8 bar loop for a foghorn/jump up Dnb track. Used the effects in NS2, would appreciate some feedback on anything I could do better with the bass, maybe beef it up a bit not sure?
in this back, preset "rhythm evil" in 3 variations, rewind to 5:33

also at 2:50 patch "jump up" may be interesting for you.
you can download original "rhythm evil" patch for free here:
Thanks man this is massively helpful you absolute legend.
@petenennstiel1989 nice pattern;) I don’t have headphones on me at the moment but I’ll listen to it again later on on headphones and I’ll post feedback, already I have noticed you took all channels out of main bus, so you lacking master out where you“should“ have at least limiter to limit overall mix
Definitely you should study those patches from @dendy he is a legend indeed and he also know ns2 in and out;)
Thanks man I’ve now sorted this and routed all the channels through the main bus, still working on the bassline trying to improve it
I love it when I thread comes together.
Nice work and thanks to all.