@Fruitbat1919 said:
I’m all for the lack of IAA and hopefully it will make the long haul of these types of instruments to AU that much quicker
Samplr will never be AU I don’t see how having an option hurts anyone? Just don’t use it if you don’t need it. A lot of people still use a few apps that are important to them that aren’t au. Maybe in like 2 years there’ll be new apps that can replace those, but for now I think it’s a lame move for a daw to appear that isn’t backward compatible. Desktop daws for example generally support all previous plugin standards. Niche shouldn’t = totally abandon. It’s just not the done thing to do... kind of a kick in the teeth for anyone that has spent money on any IAA apps they love.... they aren’t going to be able to find a smooth overall iOS workflow with ns2 without support for the apps they use. It’s needlessly brutal...
If the option could be added with no detriment to the stability of the app and code as iOS evolves (and the dev doesn’t mind the hassle of updating), then I agree that’s fine. If adding this had any detriment to the stability and updates over time then I would prefer not to have it. In the later case, I can continue to have Cubasis as my fallback option for using older apps.
Personally I would still prefer to see it not included and for IAA to die a death.
I think it’s weird for people to not want backward compatibility. Like praying for a rare psu to break on a hardware synth, just because that synth is kind of a pita to use... choice is good.
I think it’s weird to continue to beat a dead horse.
@flockz said:
No one is suggesting ns2 revolve around IAA. Just not to act like it doesn’t exist. It’s premature and can’t hurt to add support.
Yes, but there is a cost. It doesn’t happen at the flip of a switch. It requires the considerable initial time to do it and do it right, and more importantly there is the ongoing maintenance - which I guarantee you is significant. I wonder if the people waiting for the iPhone version and audio tracks would be happy to put those things off for that?
Please don’t take me wrong. I get how you feel about it. But sometimes it just isn’t possible to do everything. The man who built this knows better than any of us what is achievable. I encourage you to pull for what you want, but give him the benefit of the doubt.
I hope for you that you can enjoy what is there without being too dragged down by what isn’t. -peace
Yeah Audio tracks should be priority over this. Don’t talk to me about iPhone version though Daw work on a phone is for self-harming maniacs (joke .
My point is that the reasoning of ‘ns2 won’t support IAA because it’s being phased out and is unreliable’ doesn’t add up. It’s premature. Let’s leave it at that, we’ve both made our points
Don’t think that I’m just dismissing your ideas, wants and desires out of hand. I’m all for you stating your case and asking for what you want.
I simply don’t agree with some of your statements like ‘it’s premature and can’t hurt to add support - I think the timing is right and it may have negative consequences as I’ve explained earlier. If the dev does change his mind then that’s fine too
No need to keep apologising for having different opinions bro
I struggle to see how ‘the timing is right’ though when so many killer apps aren’t yet ported to AU??!? How can that be the right time? ‘Timing is right’ for an end of IAA support would clearly be in couple of years from now when there are way more AU out there...
Just didn’t want you to feel your thoughts being dismissed out of hand by my suggestions - I’m very aware of how sometimes when many disagree with our ideas that it can feel like we are being unfairly treated and my own writing skills are not quite what they were (my head pains make me struggle with well written words at times).
Yes, the timing will never be right for all and we obviously disagree with why, how and when that will be. I’m not as sure as you seem on when. I don’t see that ‘two years time’ is clearly that time. I’m more of the mind that I personally would prefer it to happen sooner rather than later to help try to speed the process up. Personally I’m more prepared to have some issues now and get to where I envisage we could be in two years if we start now. It’s good though to have discussion on it.
Some devs may not be listening, but that does not mean that are discussions are pointless. I’m sure you don’t believe that anyway, or you would most likely not be here stating your case
@Fruitbat1919 said:
I’m all for the lack of IAA and hopefully it will make the long haul of these types of instruments to AU that much quicker
Samplr will never be AU I don’t see how having an option hurts anyone? Just don’t use it if you don’t need it. A lot of people still use a few apps that are important to them that aren’t au. Maybe in like 2 years there’ll be new apps that can replace those, but for now I think it’s a lame move for a daw to appear that isn’t backward compatible. Desktop daws for example generally support all previous plugin standards. Niche shouldn’t = totally abandon. It’s just not the done thing to do... kind of a kick in the teeth for anyone that has spent money on any IAA apps they love.... they aren’t going to be able to find a smooth overall iOS workflow with ns2 without support for the apps they use. It’s needlessly brutal...
If the option could be added with no detriment to the stability of the app and code as iOS evolves (and the dev doesn’t mind the hassle of updating), then I agree that’s fine. If adding this had any detriment to the stability and updates over time then I would prefer not to have it. In the later case, I can continue to have Cubasis as my fallback option for using older apps.
Personally I would still prefer to see it not included and for IAA to die a death.
I think it’s weird for people to not want backward compatibility. Like praying for a rare psu to break on a hardware synth, just because that synth is kind of a pita to use... choice is good.
I think it’s weird to continue to beat a dead horse.
Samplr? Patterning? Hardly dead horses if they’re being used by people daily.... except for in ns2.
I am personally ok with the choice made by the devs on IAA. NS2 is really well optimized as it is and it is partly because it doesn't have to care about external apps. If I want to make a song with synths not supporting AU, I just use xequence + auria and there is no problem with it. It doesn't change how I used to work before. NS2 is only a new way to make and mix music. It shouldn't be considered as a new standard, just a complementary creative tool.
@Fruitbat1919 said:
Fair enough, but the same could be said the other way around - it’s not healthy to see NS2 as something that needs to revolve around the rest of the iOS landscape. Why should NS2 revolve around the IAA idea until all IAAs become AU?
I can empathise with your desire for this feature, but some of us simply do not agree.
My thoughts exactly. I have some sympathy for anybody who ‘needs’ an IAA app, but solutions are available, and far less “hassle” than maintaining NS2 compatibility.
My view is undoubtedly coloured by me not requiring IAA, but I think the right decision has been made.
@flockz As you said earlier ... "And I think it’s kind of arrogant also."
It's arrogant for you to continue to try and shame the developer into taking a stance that he has clearly stated that he has no intention of pursuing. For good reason (imo) due to time constraints and that IAA seems to be an ultimate dead-end. Yeah, I have some great IAA synths as well but on this platform they won't be supported (unless the dev says something different). It's an irritant, at best, for you to keep on with this salvo. IMO.
Was just reading on the nauts forum and this post from someone earlier today seemed relevant to this discussion-
‘still my favorite apps are all inter app audio only.
elastic drums, patterning, samplr, animoog and fugue machine’.
A lot of people out there using iPads for music that aren’t pure iOS that have no qualms with IAA and are hooked on some of those IAA apps. They won’t be buying/using NS2...
I think it’s weird to continue to beat a dead horse.
Yeah Audio tracks should be priority over this. Don’t talk to me about iPhone version though
Daw work on a phone is for self-harming maniacs (joke
My point is that the reasoning of ‘ns2 won’t support IAA because it’s being phased out and is unreliable’ doesn’t add up. It’s premature. Let’s leave it at that, we’ve both made our points
Just didn’t want you to feel your thoughts being dismissed out of hand by my suggestions - I’m very aware of how sometimes when many disagree with our ideas that it can feel like we are being unfairly treated and my own writing skills are not quite what they were (my head pains make me struggle with well written words at times).
Yes, the timing will never be right for all and we obviously disagree with why, how and when that will be. I’m not as sure as you seem on when. I don’t see that ‘two years time’ is clearly that time. I’m more of the mind that I personally would prefer it to happen sooner rather than later to help try to speed the process up. Personally I’m more prepared to have some issues now and get to where I envisage we could be in two years if we start now. It’s good though to have discussion on it.
Some devs may not be listening, but that does not mean that are discussions are pointless. I’m sure you don’t believe that anyway, or you would most likely not be here stating your case
Yep. We good. 👍
Samplr? Patterning? Hardly dead horses if they’re being used by people daily.... except for in ns2.
hey ( : thank you guys for all your help I appreciate it
I am personally ok with the choice made by the devs on IAA. NS2 is really well optimized as it is and it is partly because it doesn't have to care about external apps. If I want to make a song with synths not supporting AU, I just use xequence + auria and there is no problem with it. It doesn't change how I used to work before. NS2 is only a new way to make and mix music. It shouldn't be considered as a new standard, just a complementary creative tool.
My thoughts exactly. I have some sympathy for anybody who ‘needs’ an IAA app, but solutions are available, and far less “hassle” than maintaining NS2 compatibility.
My view is undoubtedly coloured by me not requiring IAA, but I think the right decision has been made.
@flockz As you said earlier ... "And I think it’s kind of arrogant also."
It's arrogant for you to continue to try and shame the developer into taking a stance that he has clearly stated that he has no intention of pursuing. For good reason (imo) due to time constraints and that IAA seems to be an ultimate dead-end. Yeah, I have some great IAA synths as well but on this platform they won't be supported (unless the dev says something different). It's an irritant, at best, for you to keep on with this salvo. IMO.
At this point it looks to me a bit like trolling.
Was just reading on the nauts forum and this post from someone earlier today seemed relevant to this discussion-
‘still my favorite apps are all inter app audio only.
elastic drums, patterning, samplr, animoog and fugue machine’.
A lot of people out there using iPads for music that aren’t pure iOS that have no qualms with IAA and are hooked on some of those IAA apps. They won’t be buying/using NS2...
Guys no reason to continue arguing. This leads nowhere.
Both sides said everything, don't thing there is anything more to add to this topic.
@flockz said all his reasons why he thinks this is crucial feature, those who disagree with him said their reasons.
Request is here, stays here, rest is on Matt.
Closing this thread to avoid any further offending or endless arguments and contra-arguments.
Let's make music not flamewar.