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  • Also @richardyot not to diss another DAW on another DAW’s forum but Cubasis is starting to feel deliberately striped down to me, or intentionally lacking the tools needed to go from consumer to professional. The ‘look’ and foundation is there but there seems to be omissions on purpose even with the latest updates adding…
  • I like a lot of what you mentioned. Seems a lot like Pro Tools 12 feature set for audio. Also The separate settings per clip is similar to how ‘audio suite’ in Pro Tools would handle things.
  • I actually agree with everything in this post. I just love how Cubasis freezes tracks when building with Auv3 instruments and frees up resources. Never composed beats in Auria Pro however for recording and mixing audio, it’s nice...especially the pro tools like busses!
  • KRFT into NS2? I’m unfamiliar, any examples?
  • I understand. But I really really really hope so.
  • If you were to compare your preferred implementation of ‘Audio Tracks’ for NS2 what app closest resembles it? What comes to mind for me is Cubasis but I’d like to explore other options I might have overlooked
  • @dendy will this next NS2 for iPhone update at least give us note repeat? 🙏
  • Ya, the iOS complaining makes me cringe, all things considered. On desktop you sacrifice vacation sized budgets buying plugins, but the idea is that it’s cheaper and more efficient than buying the hardware that a lot of plugs are modeled after. I paid over 1000$ for the fabfilter bundle for desktop. Compare that to iOS…
  • Yes I agree. I’m also concerned that iOS users have a price locked mentality and there might not be enough meat on the bone for big developers for the effort. $30 is a ‘big purchase’ for audio on iOS so I can see why they ignore the platform. Audio developers need better revenue streams for the effort. Adding to that, iOS…
  • No. Maybe it ‘could’ but I wouldn’t even waste the time/energy to try honestly (no offense, and I’m not trying to minimize your question). My background is a full service studio owner running pro tools, so, predictable workflows and with minimal crashes are my objective since people are paying me for ‘time’. I kind of kept…
  • I really wish audiotracks was first. Freezing pesky bug riddled or ram limited au’s would be nice. Also being able to record an entire song with vocals in NS2 would be nice
  • Yes I use it and it works fine most of the time. However I’ve also had this distortion issue you’re speaking of happen too. I don’t know what caused It but I was running a complex session with an audio interface, computer and iPad with the iPad at the center point of sequencing in NS2 when it occured. I think it may have…
  • @dendy it seems to be destructive when I edit the sample to do the note repeat. Ideally I’d take the same sample (hi hats) and assign it to various pads. One being 1/8th , next being 1/16, then 1/32 then 1/64th and then the same assignments from 1/8th on with triplets etc. what’s happening for me is when I edit one pads…
  • Very Interesting! I’ll try that out!
  • I'm an urban music producer and am currently migrating from Maschine, Logic, Pro Tools and every VST/AU/AAX worth owning on the Mac Pro to transitioning to the iPad. Trap beats are everyday compositions for me so i feel qualified to answer this. First of all, the MOST important part of trap beats in my opinion outside of…
  • Yes it is, this is how I’ve gotten all of my AudioLayer kits. I build them in logic and then import them into AudioLayer. Some EXS patches aren’t compatible for some reason (maybe they’re to big) but it works for the most part and has worked every time I’ve built a kit from scratch. Here’s a video I made outlining the…
  • Is the lack of super expressiveness due to lack of MPE or is there another reason?
  • Just tried it out! NIIIICCCEEEE!!! Obsidian is really turning out to be a godsend, I’m learning to like it more and more. Thanks for the help
  • Is it possible to get AUv3’s to be ‘searchable’ and/or categorized (sub folders for eq, compressors, delays, reverb, etc ) because I’m noticing for whatever reason they aren’t truly alphabetical so simply hitting the letters to the right isn’t getting me what I’m looking for. Thanks
  • Is it possible to draw in pitch dives as shown in the 808 video like he’s explaining from 10:20 in the video?
  • @dendy I’m glad note repeat sounds like its on the short list of updates, that’ll be a huge win. Also, thank you for that eye opening perspective! Very enlightening and it’s amazing what he’s been able to accomplish thus far all things considered. I would still love to see it implemented in some form or fashion at some…
  • Other than the one user in this thread saying he can’t use the app, due to Slate, to who, or what are you referring?
  • First and foremost, the app is very stable and intuitive which I imagine was at the top of the developers and beta testers list of priorities. Secondly, I bought the app literally understanding that it was in a way incomplete and that features were slated to be added in 2019 (such as audio tracks) but the framework was…
  • Couldn’t AGREE MORE! If Slate had this along with NOTE REPEAT that can be played live, that’d be great. Finally digging into Obsidian and it is so deep! For now I’m sampling 808’s into it for better pitch playing (trap beats, r&b etc) and it’s powerful but tedious to set up. For drums with pitched hi hat variations, tuning…
  • Good question. I did this often in Maschine with such a fast workflow but never actually bounced the midi alone, I always bounced the audio into pro tools to arrange, mix, etc
  • I’ll try it out. Do you know where I can see how to set it up?
  • Yes!!!! This x1000000. It would make life so much easier with making kits for slate and not having to manually pitch out the same 808 samples to different pads. If it took (dare I say it) the Beatmaker 3 approach with the pads and being able to play them chromatically it would take NS2 to the next level. I’d even gladly…
  • +1000000 I have a suite of pro gear similar to the OP’s recently sold stuff collecting dust now. Could never get inspired on the iPad until this app. It always was something that didn’t quite click for me, and worst of all, if I ever got inspiration the other apps would crash shorty after 😩. Not a single crash with NS2 so…
    in Thank you! Comment by T4H December 2018
  • Thanks for the quick response. I can’t wait!
  • +1 Please add this!