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  • Cheers @cray23 - I know the sound you mean at 0:26 - I have to go away from tracks sometimes and then come back to them, to be able to notice things like that :-) Let me know if it is better/worse on your other headphones! This mixing malarkey is complicated stuff. Mostly this was the first time I used a very subby deep…
  • @BearBazooka Thanks so much for your tips - sounds good, I will try and incorporate this into my workflow habits! B)
  • Many thanks @dendy and @number37 ! =) =)
  • Actually I wouldn't need audio-recording either. I love being in virtual-world. Maybe Audio tracks could be an in-app purchase for those who want it, rather than something that all of us were forced to upgrade to, as a new version of the whole thing? I have no idea if that is even technically possible! =) On the other…
  • @dendy great ideas, thanks a lot! I was aware of the possibility of mixing/balancing the drumkit within Slate using the buses, but I'm a beginner with the details so am more comfortable with ProEQ3 for the visual help. But over time I can see my way to using the FX bus in Slate more confidently. And the ideas of filtering…
  • @richardyot THAT is a great system - thank you for the idea! After posting I realised about saving my kit as my own preset just for that song, and loading it into other tracks, but the MIDI element (if I can figure it out) is genius! And I can kind of leave this step until after the other composing, which is just perfect (…
  • @number37 thanks for such an in-depth answer! I will take on board your tips and suggestions and keep on trying things out :) I already bought FabFilters ProEQ3 which was (in my experience) totally worth the money, so I might be in the market for the FFPro Limiter too... I usually keep a watch on for lots of…
  • thanks @Jeppan74 ! no organ sound here, but a clean basic EP sound, playing organ-like riffs I guess ;) My usual go-to is NeoSoulKeys (my god, what a beast, for a piano player with jazz background such as me it is probably my favourite app in the world) but sometimes (as in this case) the quick and easy choice is to throw…
  • > =) haha I am discovering there are many and fiercely-argued religious denominations about low-end choices.... a whole universe of opinions and methods! ;) Thanks for your tips! @Cray23 Thanks for your kind words! It's funny to me that you mentioned three tracks from waaaaay back (pre 2007, pre Nanostudio for me). Two…
  • Hi everyone, this is a fantastic thread/resource - my thanks to all who already contributed! I'm a new poster here, but long-time user of Nanostudio (1&2) (I love it/them) and I am also now self-teaching myself things like mixing and mastering to try and get my tracks to sound as good as possible. One question I have for…
  • @leeb thanks for all your feedback - really appreciated! Thanks for the EQ tips! do you mean you put cuts on all tracks in those areas ( because there is just too much sound in those frequencies), or do you choose only some sounds to cut in that region, so that the others in that spectrum will be heard more clearly? I'm…
  • @LeeB thanks for the info and the link to the bass patch - I will check it out! Spacecraft is added to my long list of 'synths that other people are doing cool stuff with on the iPad'.... along with iSem and Sunrizer - do you have a favourite for pads/atmospherics?
  • @LeeB Thanks a lot! I've listened with other headphones now and you are totally right, the bass is too present. I think that my mixing headphones, which I bought specifically with a flat response for mixing, maybe these need the pre-amp of my audio interface in order to fully represent the sound... and of course I often…
  • this is super cool, and even though it's not really the kind of genre I make myself, I can appreciate the work that's gone into it and I love the space around the sounds ( and the sounds themselves!). Super clear and bright mixing too! I have a couple of questions :-) Are the sounds (bass and effects primarily) from…
  • Thanks for all the info @kitejan ! I never thought of keeping an old iPad for Nanostudio 1 - great idea! I look forward to the next one and hope to post something of mine on this forum soon.
  • Hey thanks for all the info! It's true that the more you do something, the better you get :-) I've been playing with sounds and instruments my whole life, and playing around seems to be the best way to get to know stuff. I'm usually pretty happy with the melodic and harmonic elements of the music that appear when I mess…
  • This is just lovely! I too have a friend who is a big TD fan and I immediately sent him this link to enjoy. :-) I really like the mellow sounds and soothing 'apparent' repetition (which is actually evolving all the time). The sense of the repetition of the forest walk (same and different every time) perfectly matches the…
  • Hi there, I'm new to the forum but a long-time user of Nanostudio (1 and then 2), and I am really enjoying discovering all the amazing creations on this forum. @Cray23 This track is amazing and I've listened to some of your other pieces here too and I have to say: Wow! I'm stunned that this high level of soundscape can be…