Signatures on the forum
Would it be possible to enable signatures on the forum? It's nice to be able to share your Soundcloud/Bandcamp/YouTube etc.
Would it be possible to enable signatures on the forum? It's nice to be able to share your Soundcloud/Bandcamp/YouTube etc.
+1 !
I've got my soundcloud link on my profile but I don't think anyone looks at those. Maybe signatures would be a good idea.
Every user has a profile available for things like that. Why clutter things up repeating it in every... single ... post?
Totally agree.
Me too. In many posts, the sig would be longer than the reply!
However...the OP has got me checking people’s profiles for links now 🙂. @mashers, I’d love to hear your music!
I can’t stand sigs on forums.
Yeah, not a fan. They always seem to become too noisy.
If we could limit it to something like:
And then the forum would render, [SC] and/or [YT]... links next to the person's name. Like:
That way we'd get quick links to those things without all of the junk that inevitably winds up in sigs. Unfortunately, this would be custom code for Vanilla.
Please for the love of God no. Nothing ruins a good forum more than scrolling though a wall of dumb vanity signatures that serve no purpose.
That would be awesome but we can certainly do without if it’s a bother.
Mmm, tasteful little links, that I like.
I like the pro-forma with tasteful little links idea. That is very cool. And I do agree with what others have said about long signatures cluttering up a forum. In most cases I agree that it's not really necessary, and makes scrolling through the posts more tedious. But if the signatures were really restricted to short links like this, then I think it could make finding others' music much easier. I think people are more likely to click through to the pages of users they are interested in if they know the links are there, rather than checking a profile just in case there are links there. I might be wrong in that assumption though.
Where do we put stuff on our profiles? I couldn't find a space for it when I went to mine.
I posted my link in the activity section and the system probably picked it up from there. Now it’s displayed under my name. Or at least that’s what I see.
Ah yes, that worked. Thanks!
Link to my YT channel is in my profile now! My latest, Hungry Animals, went up last night
Links in profiles, yes. Signatures, god no. The Image-Line forums used to have signatures, and a handful of people would put all sorts of crazy things in there, including full photos and the like. Just awful and ruins the flow of a thread.
No signature links please, they tend to add a spam-like odor in my opinion.
We already have profile pages for self-promotion and dedicated threads for posting songs and patches. Signatures on individual posts remind me of tacky lawn ornaments or cars with fake vents and unnecessary spoilers...they're more for the owners' pleasure than the viewers'.
If the ability to add sigs is implemented, mine will be nothing but links to Anne Geddes “babies as random objects” pictures. I hope you will all enjoy that.
Totally epic idea!
Did someone call for a lawn ornament ?
Gnome sayin' bro.
@nkdvkng Lol bloody hell. 😂
That gnome looks like he packed that pipe with a lot of green.