Forget Audio Tracks, what's your wishlist for NS2?
If Matt did a few little updates, what would you like to see? I'd like to see more colours for track lanes, MIDI mapping for transport controls and mixer (selected track mode), mouse/trackpad support and keyboard shortcuts. I'm happy with the way NS2 works, just my little wishlist.
I haven't got a clue how difficult any of this would be. Is there a lot of work involved in doing any or all of it Dendy?
i have zero clue
) Those are just thing i'm really missing
As long as you are asking… Expand/fix midi cc implemention:
Above not necessarily in order of preference. There are workarounds for all of them but some are a real PITA. I live and breath NS2.
Sample timestretching in the sample editor.
Ability to insert space in the timeline at project level (so a space is inserted in all tracks lanes in the project), keeping all track automation in sync as per before the addition of the space
auv3 effect automation (although this is the merest of nice-to-haves)
Slate/Obsidian streamed their samples from disk (like Audiolayer does)
That would all very much do me 😊
Have been wanting these for a while:
Dear Matt
If you're reading this, please let us know if you're able to do none, some or (even better) all of them 😀
Honestly, your app is simply the best in its class out there.
Based on everything I’ve read I don’t see ANY new features being added. Just compatibly updates. If things turn differently I’d be very surprised and so will go forward with NS2 expecting no further development and using it as it is today.
I expect to use NS2 as-is and build my workflow accordingly.
Some of the features mentioned here could be nice to have. For me… what dendy said: MIDI clock out would be fun and I wouldn’t mind real time audition of quantization. More useful would be trg-like sample/resample into Slate. However none of these are stopping me from getting work done. They would just be nice. If we were really talking pie-in-the-sky stuff, then maybe another rock-themed synthesizer that was a blend of granular and wave-table. Something fun that creates out-of-this-world sounds.
NS sends clock to all midi outs
It just doesn’t sent MMC (start/stop)
I guess I don’t see the use of MIDI clock without start/stop of the hardware device. It isn’t I situation I ever find myself in though. For me it is just simple MIDI channels in master/slave configuration. So if you have a real world usage that explains this better, I’m all ears.
Recently, one thing I was wishing I had was the ability to have ghost notes from other tracks, or some way of viewing them in the midi editor simultaneously.
I got around it by copying the midi into the new track and drawing the new stuff/deleting the old midi as needed.
I think someone posted a workaround for ghost notes a while back. Maybe search for that post. Could have something we wouldn’t think of. Whenever I have done something like this I just moved the reference notes an octave or two out of the way. Not sure if that would work for what you are doing….?
@AlexY @SlapHappy :
Move your ghost notes to the right of your midi clip (beyond the actual length of the midiclip):
Ah ha! There you go!
Thanks ! @TakkAtakk
That's sort of what I was doing. It worked out nice because you can draw the counter melody under it.
I'll try this too!
Thank you both!
Hello, I would very much like to see the NS1 autobeat feature on NS2. It is very very useful for