And sorry to point out that but wouldn’t be more functional to use the preset management to zip all the patches in one, at least in obsidian as I haven’t yet touched much of slate, since it’s more convenient and NS handles them smarter than me, moving folders around Dropbox and iPad with the files app.
By the way the patch handling mechanism is truly MEGA.
Thanks for those kits. Great dynamics in there.
Just a heads up, in Trap1 the pad 11 and 12 are setup to a null layer making them silent. Just a few clicks away to correct them though.
@Zupi said:
And sorry to point out that but wouldn’t be more functional to use the preset management to zip all the patches in one, at least in obsidian as I haven’t yet touched much of slate, since it’s more convenient and NS handles them smarter than me, moving folders around Dropbox and iPad with the files app.
By the way the patch handling mechanism is truly MEGA.
Thanks for those kits. Great dynamics in there.
Just a heads up, in Trap1 the pad 11 and 12 are setup to a null layer making them silent. Just a few clicks away to correct them though.
Boom did just that and uploaded the zip from the patch manager. And I’ll correct pad 11/12 on Trap 1. Thanks for the assist! 🙏🏼🙏🏼😎
Hey guys, cool thread. I will upload my basses for you too (soon). I really think this community patch creation will have a massive dimension on these forums. What I encountered is the need to have some more control in preset management. I hope I am missing something but I dont find the button to create another folder. Its saving all these patches into the USER folder. I would like to make a NS_Forum folder too to collect them in there. Is this possible? Maybe a little feature request
I hope I am missing something but I dont find the button to create another folder.
Yeah, this was discussed during beta phase, would be definitely handy, i'm sure in some point in future it would take a place, just now there is lot other more important stuff (fixing bugs, improving AUfx impementation, iphone version, audiotracks, lot of small things beetween that - poor Matt, he needs to dobple or tripple itself ..)
I would like to make a NS_Forum folder too to collect them in there. Is this possible? Maybe a little feature request
As workaround, for now, i'm using simple method of adding suffix (frm) after patch name .. you can do it as also prefix, bu then you loose ability to search patch by first character of name (because obviously all of them would start with (frm) string ) ... on other side advantage of using prefix is, that they are listed nice together
@david_2019 ... making a new folder in 'files'
(on your ipad/nanostudio2/instruments/obsidian/user)
and in nanostudio on an instrument track in preset/manage selecting 'refresh', however collecting presets there can only be handled inside 'files' for now, it seems.
Here is one preset, the eastern patch tweaked with a formant filter:
Here is a Slate Kit. It’s the one with a some Monotron samples and other random stuff. It’s kind of a fun kit, especially if you like the Monotron noise. Those machines are fun, but line out noise is part of their character. You either find it charming or...not charming....
When I try to install both the @kleptolia bassypants zip and the @nkdvkng (installing the zip from dropbox direct from inside Osbsian (Manage>import) it keeps telling me 'No Patches Imported - The zip file did not contain any Obsidian patches.'
Anyone else getting this issue? Am I doing it wrong?
If I’m not mistaken you hit import on the top right little hamburger lines under presets and then import and select the zip and it unzips it for you. I think. Not 100% sure off the top
@MattFletcher2000 said:
Thanks guys, for making the presets by the way... I just wanna have a go on them!
Some analog style.
For convenience are prefixed with underscore so will appear at the top of the patch list and you will able to audition and... delete them faster.
Stanley_V's method is way better since you can open the zip instantly in the app and all the contents recognized automatically.
btw. @dendy please can you confirm that with a new user folder made in files, it is only containing shortcuts to the main user folder in 'presets', also to avoid accidentally deleting a mirror user folder in files ? thanks (:
@dendy ... the question would be about an additional user folder in "Presets".
In "files" app, Nanostudio2 folder, 'on my ipad/nanostudio2/instruments/obsidian'
there are two folders, 'SubPatch' and 'User'.
If you make a new one in that directory, f.e. 'nanostudioforum', it would only show up in ns2 obsidian track 'presets' window, if you move the 'nanostudioforum' folder inside the 'user' folder in "files" and then in obsidian/patch/manage select 'refresh', it will appear as subfolder under User.
Let's import @Zupi's zipped presets into nano; they are added to the User bank.
If I download the @nkdvkng zip and save it in "files", (interestingly, when I tap on the zip, ns2 opens the presets immediately) they come to the User bank.
However, if I want to collect presets in 'nanostudioforum', I cannot 'save as' there from User, I have to copy these from inside "files" and 'refresh' in ns2.
Now, the presets in the new folder are also in the user folder (and also duplicated somewhere), so if you delete a preset in 'nanostudioforum', it's gone from User as well, and vice versa.
Oh this thing :-) This is actually something like "eastern egg" :-)) It's result of how patches are stored (hierarchically) but it was not mentioned to be exposed to users, it's just coincidence that somebody was smart enough and tried it :-))
At least until some proper UI would be added to manage this from inside NS2 this is not official feature )
Thing is that if you choose "User" in patch browser, you see all patches inside "User" folders, but also all patches inside all folders in "User" folder .. So if you delete some patch, it is simply really deleted, no matter ho deep in subfolders structure i is really located.
Btw. because of this hierarchy, when you choose "All" you see all user patches, all factory patches and all IAP purchase patches.. It simply works hierarchically, every "folder" you choose - you see in right list all patches directly in this folder but also inside all it's subfolders ...
If you create new patch and save it, NS always saves it directly to "User" folder.
How i use this "easter egg" subfolders feature is:
i created under User/ subfolders "my patches", "ns forum", "experiments", .. etc
now, when i create new patch, i save it, i open Files app, move it from User/ to for example "User/my patches" ..then i do refresh like you mentioned.
But as i said - do not take this as official feature - it's possible that in some of next updates this thing would be disabled, or it is also possible that in some of next updates there will be added proper UI to manage all this from inside patch browser directly - it's completely on Matt's decision ...
Thanks for your generous sharing, everyone. Theses are all great. @Zupi, I’m a sucker for great analogue sounds, nice one. If I had any talent at all for sound design, I would reciprocate. As it is, you’ll have to make do with my gratitude on behalf of all the preset tweakers 🙏
Glad you like them and if it’s of any of use.
Nah, analog don’t need any special skill. It’s quite the most primitive synthesis, or a close second of putting pots and pans over your Steinway chords.
@Zupi said:
Glad you like them and if it’s of any of use.
Nah, analog don’t need any special skill. It’s quite the most primitive synthesis, or a close second of putting pots and pans over your Steinway chords.
Aw, nuts. Pots and pans over Steinway chords is half of my preset collection. ☹️
What I’d really find useful on this thread is any pointers on how to make interesting Obsidean patches.
Perhaps if someone who made (or has noticed) any of the factory patches that do something a bit different ... they might be able to point this out so people could go and have a look at what’s possible with some interesting routings etc...
I loved the ‘official’ NS2 tutorial on making FM sounds and also the one on physical modelling using the comb filter. So anything like this being used in an interesting way in any of the factory or IAP patches I’d be sure to go and investigate.
a kind of "hidden trick" which i love most in Obsidian (and i'm proud that i discovered it for myself during working in factory stuff) is way how to make Obsidian oscillators "free running" (like on old analog synths, each voice starts with different phase)
It have huge impact for example in combination with Unison, it gives completely different color to sound
Trick is:
use mod source Key > Rand1 (or 2)
for all oscillators types except of sample set mod target "Osc > phase", with default mod amount 100, later you can play with lower values
for sample oscillator use mod destinatiom Osc > Sample start with very low mod amount value (1-4)
try it on one oscillator, with unison set to 2 voices, detune around 20 and stereo 50+
a kind of "hidden trick" which i love most in Obsidian (and i'm proud that i discovered it for myself during working in factory stuff) is way how to make Obsidian oscillators "free running" (like on old analog synths, each voice starts with different phase)
It have huge impact for example in combination with Unison, it gives completely different color to sound
Trick is:
use mod source Key > Rand1 (or 2)
for all oscillators types except of sample set mod target "Osc > phase", with default mod amount 100, later you can play with lower values
for sample oscillator use mod destinatiom Osc > Sample start with very low mod amount value (1-4)
try it on one oscillator, with unison set to 2 voices, detune around 20 and stereo 50+
you will immediately hear difference
Brilliant. Thanks very much. I’ll try that.
(I’ve been trying to use ‘sample start’ linked to a randomised LFO to get a kind of wavetable effect going on long notes. I found it produces a lot of clicks at the point when the sample loops - but that can be reduced by adding unison voices, chorus, delay and reverb. But I understand that won’t be the case with your above trick because it’s just moving the start point when you trigger a new note).
Haha yeah the spelling is a bit misleading but it’s “naked viking” ironically I get asked at every studio where my name came from. Lol
It’s nice for them they don’t ask you to get your clothes off at least or wear that funny hat. Heh.
Mm... not sure what’s more embarrassing...
And sorry to point out that but wouldn’t be more functional to use the preset management to zip all the patches in one, at least in obsidian as I haven’t yet touched much of slate, since it’s more convenient and NS handles them smarter than me, moving folders around Dropbox and iPad with the files app.
By the way the patch handling mechanism is truly MEGA.
Thanks for those kits. Great dynamics in there.
Just a heads up, in Trap1 the pad 11 and 12 are setup to a null layer making them silent. Just a few clicks away to correct them though.
Boom did just that and uploaded the zip from the patch manager. And I’ll correct pad 11/12 on Trap 1. Thanks for the assist! 🙏🏼🙏🏼😎
Hey guys, cool thread. I will upload my basses for you too (soon). I really think this community patch creation will have a massive dimension on these forums. What I encountered is the need to have some more control in preset management. I hope I am missing something but I dont find the button to create another folder. Its saving all these patches into the USER folder. I would like to make a NS_Forum folder too to collect them in there. Is this possible? Maybe a little feature request
Yeah, this was discussed during beta phase, would be definitely handy, i'm sure in some point in future it would take a place, just now there is lot other more important stuff (fixing bugs, improving AUfx impementation, iphone version, audiotracks, lot of small things beetween that - poor Matt, he needs to dobple or tripple itself ..)
As workaround, for now, i'm using simple method of adding suffix (frm) after patch name .. you can do it as also prefix, bu then you loose ability to search patch by first character of name (because obviously all of them would start with (frm) string
) ... on other side advantage of using prefix is, that they are listed nice together 
@david_2019 ... making a new folder in 'files'
(on your ipad/nanostudio2/instruments/obsidian/user)
and in nanostudio on an instrument track in preset/manage selecting 'refresh', however collecting presets there can only be handled inside 'files' for now, it seems.
Here is one preset, the eastern patch tweaked with a formant filter:
Just added 3 new presets to the obsidian folder Dropbox I posted earlier
Here are 7 presets I’ve made:
just in case anybody intereseted, here are 2 custom patches from my Interactions song which i put into songs thread ..
that pad from beginning: by
main bass: Bass by Ray
Here is a Slate Kit. It’s the one with a some Monotron samples and other random stuff. It’s kind of a fun kit, especially if you like the Monotron noise. Those machines are fun, but line out noise is part of their character. You either find it charming or...not charming....
Sorry everyone. Been AWOL the last few days.
I return with about 12 new patches. I just put all the old ones and new ones I made all in one zip. All obsidian. Enjoy! nkdvkng Patches for
How are people installing these patches?
When I try to install both the @kleptolia bassypants zip and the @nkdvkng (installing the zip from dropbox direct from inside Osbsian (Manage>import) it keeps telling me 'No Patches Imported - The zip file did not contain any Obsidian patches.'
Anyone else getting this issue? Am I doing it wrong?
Thanks guys, for making the presets by the way... I just wanna have a go on them!
If I’m not mistaken you hit import on the top right little hamburger lines under presets and then import and select the zip and it unzips it for you. I think. Not 100% sure off the top
And don’t mention it. Hope you like !
@MattFletcher2000 Tried to import it - without issue...
@nkdvkng Really good work with that patches ! My favourite is LoFi Rhodes, soo nice mellow sound
Just small tip - some parches are very loud, some are a bit quiet - it's good to adjust volumes to have at least little bit similiar loudness
Some analog style.
For convenience are prefixed with underscore so will appear at the top of the patch list and you will able to audition and... delete them faster.
Stanley_V's method is way better since you can open the zip instantly in the app and all the contents recognized automatically.
btw. @dendy please can you confirm that with a new user folder made in files, it is only containing shortcuts to the main user folder in 'presets', also to avoid accidentally deleting a mirror user folder in files ? thanks (:
@Stanley_V Not sure i understand your question
@dendy ... the question would be about an additional user folder in "Presets".
In "files" app, Nanostudio2 folder, 'on my ipad/nanostudio2/instruments/obsidian'
there are two folders, 'SubPatch' and 'User'.
If you make a new one in that directory, f.e. 'nanostudioforum', it would only show up in ns2 obsidian track 'presets' window, if you move the 'nanostudioforum' folder inside the 'user' folder in "files" and then in obsidian/patch/manage select 'refresh', it will appear as subfolder under User.
Let's import @Zupi's zipped presets into nano; they are added to the User bank.
If I download the @nkdvkng zip and save it in "files", (interestingly, when I tap on the zip, ns2 opens the presets immediately) they come to the User bank.
However, if I want to collect presets in 'nanostudioforum', I cannot 'save as' there from User, I have to copy these from inside "files" and 'refresh' in ns2.
Now, the presets in the new folder are also in the user folder (and also duplicated somewhere), so if you delete a preset in 'nanostudioforum', it's gone from User as well, and vice versa.
Could easily turn out tangled up that way?
Oh this thing :-) This is actually something like "eastern egg" :-)) It's result of how patches are stored (hierarchically) but it was not mentioned to be exposed to users, it's just coincidence that somebody was smart enough and tried it :-))
At least until some proper UI would be added to manage this from inside NS2 this is not official feature
Thing is that if you choose "User" in patch browser, you see all patches inside "User" folders, but also all patches inside all folders in "User" folder .. So if you delete some patch, it is simply really deleted, no matter ho deep in subfolders structure i is really located.
Btw. because of this hierarchy, when you choose "All" you see all user patches, all factory patches and all IAP purchase patches.. It simply works hierarchically, every "folder" you choose - you see in right list all patches directly in this folder but also inside all it's subfolders ...
If you create new patch and save it, NS always saves it directly to "User" folder.
How i use this "easter egg" subfolders feature is:
But as i said - do not take this as official feature - it's possible that in some of next updates this thing would be disabled, or it is also possible that in some of next updates there will be added proper UI to manage all this from inside patch browser directly - it's completely on Matt's decision ...
Currently take it just as nice eastern egg :-)
Thanks for the egg, may I offer you a Trdelník (tree cake) for it 🥞
my wife loves trdelník :-) skoricovy
Thanks for your generous sharing, everyone. Theses are all great. @Zupi, I’m a sucker for great analogue sounds, nice one. If I had any talent at all for sound design, I would reciprocate. As it is, you’ll have to make do with my gratitude on behalf of all the preset tweakers 🙏
Glad you like them and if it’s of any of use.
Nah, analog don’t need any special skill. It’s quite the most primitive synthesis, or a close second of putting pots and pans over your Steinway chords.
Aw, nuts. Pots and pans over Steinway chords is half of my preset collection. ☹️
Just an idea...
What I’d really find useful on this thread is any pointers on how to make interesting Obsidean patches.
Perhaps if someone who made (or has noticed) any of the factory patches that do something a bit different ... they might be able to point this out so people could go and have a look at what’s possible with some interesting routings etc...
I loved the ‘official’ NS2 tutorial on making FM sounds and also the one on physical modelling using the comb filter. So anything like this being used in an interesting way in any of the factory or IAP patches I’d be sure to go and investigate.
a kind of "hidden trick" which i love most in Obsidian (and i'm proud that i discovered it for myself during working in factory stuff) is way how to make Obsidian oscillators "free running" (like on old analog synths, each voice starts with different phase)
It have huge impact for example in combination with Unison, it gives completely different color to sound
Trick is:
try it on one oscillator, with unison set to 2 voices, detune around 20 and stereo 50+
you will immediately hear difference
B> @dendy said:
Brilliant. Thanks very much. I’ll try that.
(I’ve been trying to use ‘sample start’ linked to a randomised LFO to get a kind of wavetable effect going on long notes. I found it produces a lot of clicks at the point when the sample loops - but that can be reduced by adding unison voices, chorus, delay and reverb. But I understand that won’t be the case with your above trick because it’s just moving the start point when you trigger a new note).