Ray Subject - Endless and Eternal
This was little bit experiment because i used more sampling and resampling than usually...
drums - basic drum loop created from sounds made completely from scratch in Obsidian from basic oscillators, then resampled to loop, loop loaded to Obsidian and mangled using sample start automation (those glitch- like effects) and other modulations (filter, pitch)
bell like sounds at beginning - windchime on my neigbour's door, sampled with iPhone, heavily modulated in Obsidian, again lot of my favourite sample offset modulation used..
rest is pure Obsidian synthesis, and just build in FXs
Super creative use of sounds - nice ethereal vibe. This would’ve gone well as the soundtrack to the dream I had last night.
Yeah boy!!! That’s dark. Very much into that kind of stuff
thanks guys for kind words :-)
Coooool, loving the vibe and the beat is so alive. 👍
What Stiksi said!
That snare sound doesn't use any samples?
yes, snare is sythetised , if i good remember, it was layered from Snare1, Snare5 and x0x Snare obsidian factory patches, with a LOT of insert FXs on group channel
haha, common guys, don't exaggerate :-)) it's not that hard to make good snare with obsidian(s) :-) just pink or brown noise, pitch enveloped sine for punch, overdrive, and a bit of layering .. that's all
probably i should make some video tutorial, but first i need improve my english speaking skills :-)))
No. Your accent will make it much better. Lots of people speak English well. It’s more interesting to hear a good accent.
+1 for video(s)
Well impressive tune and use of skills, I particularly like that you sampled you neighbour's door bell with your phone.
Nice! Obsidian is so powerful and @dendy is the master!