Select between loop points
To great being able to set the loop points from a selected part.
For arrangements it would be very useful to be able to do the opposite and select everything within the loop markers. This would work especially well with track markers (empty regions for chorus, verse, etc,) for arranging.
Additionally, insert and cut time between loop points would also be useful for arrangement of sections.
You can do this - from single or multiple selected parts. Just double tap on "Actions"
You can also change loop points to part which you're currently editing - when you're inside part editor (piano roll), again double tap on "Actions"
(double tap is justs shortcut to Actions > Loop to sel item
Totally agree, "Select loop" would be definitely nice option in Select menu
On todo list. At the moment there is nice workaround developed by @Will - just create empty track on top of project and put there empty clips which would server like markers - because you can name individually each clip .. then just selecting that clip and double tap on Actios will select "marker" loop ..
Hi @dendy , yes I know you can set the loop points from the selection and use blank regions to mark your song out — I use the double tap properties for this all the time. . I used to do something very similar with very early versions of Logic before it got its own marker track.
It seemed logical to me that the inverse (selection from loop markers) should also be possible. :-)
aah sorry i didn't get properly this, i though it is request
))) my poor english
yeah, totally agree, wondering i never needed it before, but i'm sure from now, after you mentioned it, i will miss it on daily basis, thank you :-D :-D
No worries :-) it’s down to my bad editing or iPhone autocorrect! My OP makes no sense and isn’t what I thought I’d written ! (Autocorrect has become really dumb on my phone. Every time I write ‘and’ my iPhone changes it to ‘Andy’. I don’t even know an Andy. Weird! I think I must attract gremlins like a magnet!).
By the way, I think I have a method to reproduce the lockup issues I’ve been experiencing .
I’ve detailed it over at Audiobus forum. I hope somebody can reproduce.
Sorry for the OT.
will check it later, thanks !
Same. And now it'll be the same for me. ¡Dammit @klownshed!