Tried to challenge myself Made this mini tune just during last 3 hours on iPhone 6S, with apple earbuds, all sounds synthetised from scratch (started with init preset), including drums - no samples involved
@dendy Wow, this is some deep sounding stuff here, reminds me Stephan Bodzin tunes! Really Great sounding tune and just within 3h that’s sick man! Big up!
thanks one day i maybe imvest another 2-3 weeks into this one to make it real finished 7-8 minutes long opus, not just short demo - i have in my head how it should continue and evolve, i just need find will and patience to make it real
Autumn over this side of the world is far more grey than where you are, clearly
...and probably more like 90bpm and through a low pass filter
Insane number of great sounds in 3 hours. I have to single out your noise work, which is very well balanced 👍
Very nice! 👍🏼
It’s a cracking track Dendy. I wish you’d screen recorded it all so I could see your sound programming.
@dendy Wow, this is some deep sounding stuff here, reminds me Stephan Bodzin tunes! Really Great sounding tune and just within 3h that’s sick man! Big up!
one day i maybe imvest another 2-3 weeks into this one to make it real finished 7-8 minutes long opus, not just short demo - i have in my head how it should continue and evolve, i just need find will and patience to make it real 
Nice track! 👍🏻
@dendy you should do that opus! I’ll wait;)