Help - failed to load project - bank file missing

Hi all, I have a piece of music put together using NS1 however when I try to access the file I am now getting this error message: FAILED TO LOAD PROJECT - error is BANK FILE MISSING. I have approx 500mb of available storage left on my iPad, is there a way to re-gain access to the file? Hoping you can help?
Thank you


  • edited October 2022

    Just to be clear, this is a project file with a .prj (….if I remember correctly) extension? Or did you export the project, which would have a .nsp extension? Did you create it on the iPad (iOS 10 or earlier?) and on the same iPad are trying to open that project file? Have you tried to open the project file on a laptop (with PC or Mac version of NS1)? Have you recently moved the projects location…? I’m trying to get my head around what you did/are trying to do, while simultaneously fighting through my brain’s cobwebs and rust to remember some of the quirks of NS1. It’s been quite a while since I used it.


  • @Petrolfingers said:
    Hi all, I have a piece of music put together using NS1 however when I try to access the file I am now getting this error message: FAILED TO LOAD PROJECT - error is BANK FILE MISSING. I have approx 500mb of available storage left on my iPad, is there a way to re-gain access to the file? Hoping you can help?
    Thank you

    copy a bank file from any ofyour projects and paste it into the ones missing the bank file thats what i did and it worked ok so far


  • Hi - I'm another long-time user of NS1 (since 2011!), and because current Mac OS no longer supports NanoSync, or the desktop version of NS1, I have run into a similar problem of "Bank File Missing" when transferring NS1 projects, folders and files to my old iPad (running on iOS 10).

    I can upload .nsp files to iPad using export function from Dropbox, and they open OK as long as there is no issue with the "Bank File Missing".

    I can also use Dropbox to import .wav files (as samples) to NS1 on iPad, and .mid files, because NS1 can process and handle these as part of the NS1 native file directory.

    I tried copying the "eden.bnk" file from a current NS1 project (as suggested above), and pasting it into an old project - but it's still not working. I've used iExplorer to access NS1 file directory, but NS1 no longer supports file sharing.

    I can use iBackup Viewer to extract most files from NS1, but I can't upload. What is also frustrating is that iBackup is showing files and other content in the app which is not otherwise accessible. There are other legacy .bnk files in the directory (for saved presets), so I wonder if they are causing a conflict with imported projects?

    Any ideas?

  • I would borrow or buy an old PC to run NS1. Should be able to get a used PC for cheap I would guess. Then you would have Nanosync, which should be better at handling .nsp files.

    I haven’t used NS1 in ages so I’m not sure I can help, but I can’t quite figure out what you are trying to do. You can upload .nsp, .wav, and MIDI files to your iOS 10 iPad, but you have uploaded a .nsp file which gives the dreaded Bank File Missing error?

    I don’t remember what caused Bank File errors, but it might be possible to remember that if I had access to the old NS1 forum, which was unfortunately shut down. I tried seaching the Wayback Machine, which started crawling the site in 2010, but I can’t figure out how to actually access old pages.

    Stab in the dark: wasn’t the problem with how presets were saved? If a preset in banks A-G is overwritten, maybe a sample-based preset on G01 written to E01, then something else is written to G01 (as an example), the file structure to the sample is lost. I don’t recall if that caused a Bank File error, or if it was something else.

    A strategy that worked for me was to load all necessary presets (not just sample-based ones) into the P folder before saving the project as a .nsp file. If it is a simple Song I would have Track 1 be P01, Track 2 be P02, etc. When the Project is saved as a .nsp file, the P folder automatically copies all the samples so that the presets work correctly. When I used this strategy I did not have Bank File errors, but I don’t know for sure if what I was doing prevented Bank File errors or if they were caused by something else. But I think a P bank with presets that have broken file structure could be the problem.

    You may already know all of this, and it isn’t of any help to you. There are likely things that I have forgotten during the last 7 years.

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