NS2 behaves like I programmed it. If I could program… The point being, for me it’s totally intuitive in a way no other iOS DAW is. NOTHING beats it as far as I’m concerned.
I fooled around with the Art Kerns version recently and it was pretty good. I've used it before and there was something about it that bothered me workflow-wise but I'm not sure what it was. Maybe it was just me at the moment?! I have Paul's version but haven't had time to give it a proper go. Maybe some time over the…
I think @midimark7 is asking for something I would also like to see, step input with a keyboard. I don’t recall seeing it in any of the iOS DAW’s. I had that function in my old Ensoniq ESQ-1. Very simply, you could put it in “step record” mode, set the resolution, and then play in notes with the keyboard. Then you could…
I occasionally get white noise from Slate after starting up NS2. It sounds like 44k/48k mis-match. Re-starting NS2 clears it. Otherwise all is well. I have been trying other DAW’s and I just can’t do it! Sticking with NS2!
I like it but to my ear the bass (cool sound) overwhelms everything else. I can barely hear the other instruments. So, good job but the mix needs work IMHO. 😎👍🏼
Based on everything I’ve read I don’t see ANY new features being added. Just compatibly updates. If things turn differently I’d be very surprised and so will go forward with NS2 expecting no further development and using it as it is today.
Good and bad news but totally understandable @jwmmakerofmusic Best wishes to Matt! Thanks for posting! Now on with the show!
I bought a tiny little hardware drum machine (Roland T8). It’s nice to have no workarounds, no “unofficial” beta testing, just learn the buttons and let her rip. I have a couple of other hardware bits on order. It’s a nice feeling. 😆
I used it for something the other day. IMHO it’s still the best DAW on iOS other than the omission of audio tracks. We’ll see where it’s going! 😎👍🏼
Based on Matt’s track record, audio tracks on NS2 would far surpass anything else on iOS. Even if it was limited to say, 4 tracks, it would still be awesome. For me, there would be no reason to use anything else. Matt’s implementation of features beats that of many multi-person teams. I would pay a premium for the…
Sound collage kind of stuff mostly. Odd loops I make in AUM, found sounds, random ambience. Nothing “traditional” usually.
@SlapHappy adding audio tracks to NS2 would be my holy grail DAW because all of the existing iOS DAW’s have some point where they suck (IMHO) whereas NS2 is like putting on a nice, warm, perfectly fitting pair of gloves on a cold day. I remember when I first used NS2 and thought so many times, “that’s the way I would’ve…
@Pumpte I have great respect for anyone masochistic enough to play the wedding game! I am primarily a video guy and have only done a handful of weddings on special request. Not fun! 😎👍🏼
I already offered $100 :o
You can add a new non-instrument track and rename it. Then drag any existing tracks onto it to group them.
If you have NS2 crash logs, wade through them and the evil plugin might be named somewhere.
Nice tune! I listened through my iPad 8 speaker and my 7506 headphones and nothing stood out as far as the mix goes. Maybe this video will help?
It’s pretty much the only thing missing for the majority of what I do prepping samples for NS2. Otherwise I have to use another app and it’s always nicer to stay in one app wherever possible.
I had an instance of Koala loaded with 50 MB of samples (as a test) and it ran fine. NS2 audio CPU was only running around 15%. Koala would occasionally give a memory warning. The Koala song was about 150 MB. I don’t imagine I would normally be using 50 MB of samples in Koala in NS2. I think between 1 or 2 instances of…
I’ve had more than one Koala and a couple other AU’s with no problem. Once you load samples into Koala are you saving as a song in each instance of Koala? I think that may be your problem if you’re losing samples. Once you’ve set up an instance of Koala save it as a song within Koala. Think of it as a preset. And then also…
I noticed the same in my recent experiments with NS2 and Koala. I just have my sequence start at bar 2. Hopefully it gets fixed but if not this’ll do.
Or this as @SlapHappy said?
Do you mean this?
@starkfvx @SlapHappy I have iOS 15.6.1 on an iPad 8. All of this works fine for me. Are you setting level properly and do you have Normalize off in AudioShare? It should be off. Better to set level properly. I have never had any issue with keeping iOS current.
The buzzing bass (?) that starts at 44 seconds in and then repeats later in the song. It overwhelms everything else IMHO. 😎👍🏼
I like it except one thing, the repeated buzzing sound near the beginning and the end. Whenever that’s playing it overwhelms everything else. Maybe reduce the level, tone down the harshness or repeat it less. It’s a good sound so I wouldn’t get rid of it but I think there’s too much of it for what it is. Just my opinion!…