bobheads - Bergschrund
HI all, I haven't posted for a while but I do continue to make lots of stuff in the awesomeness that is NS2! Hope everyone is doing well.
I'd be interested in anyone's feedback for this track I made last year, which uses mostly NS2 sounds with a MIDI controller keyboard, but also involves using a Roland E-drumkit as a MIDI input for some of the later layers of drum tracks. I'm not a pro drummer but I like hitting things with sticks - - and I find it produces a completely different vibe than programming drums via the screen, and I like that I can quantise the timing whilst keeping the enormous variety of velocity data that comes from the e-drumkit and makes the drum samples sound more human.
Cheers, happy this forum is still going strong!
@bobheads i couldn’t listen to it all as I don't have Spotify and it only let me play 20s or so
I tried to look for it on Apple Music but it’s not there:(
But in those 20 seconds I definitely liked that acoustic drums, really nice and dynamic
Is this coming to Apple Music?
@bobheads I have found it on there:D
It’s nice, I really like those drums. I suppose that’s that layer you did with Roland kit and it does sound more dynamic especially toms or are those programmed in sequencer?
Anyway it’s nice chilled tune;)
Bergschrund on Apple Music
@Cray23 cheers! The 'real-played' drums don't arrive until about 1:23 but I can't remember if the preview on Spotify includes a clip from the middle of the tune, I think it does, so yeah, maybe.
For sure the toms are me having some fun with the e-kit
But of course they are just midi notes and the actual tom sounds are coming from the Slate drum sounds anyway
- the main difference I think is the variations of velocity that I get from the e-kit as a midi input device, as well as some of the snare flims and flams (cos the stick bounces around on it).
Thanks for having a listen
@bobheads thanks for sharing. I agree that playing stuff (not just drums) in “live” gives results that are difficult (for sure more painful) to achieve by step recording. My workflow typically involves that concept. I play it in on whatever midi controller is appropriate, then fix what I don’t like to compensate for my declining physical chops. To me this is the real value of midi sequencer DAWs. You don’t need to practice 8 hours a day to be able to physically execute what you feel. You just need to know what sounds right then edit it into existence. Some think that’s cheating but I disagree.
Oh, I really liked the way you “played” the filter on that lead sound.
i don't have spotify nor apple music but if you put your music on i would immediately buy it.. mind blowed by tunes you have on Youtube, very deep and emotional music, one of most "musical" pieces i ever heard made in NS2 .. absolute top notch ! Big respect !
@boomer and @dendy - thanks for listening and for your kind words!
@dendy : I do have a bunch of stuff on bandcamp :
I also found you and followed you at 'Ray Subject' ;-)
I've just set up a discount code for all you BlipInteractives here on the forum: type in 'blip90' for 90% off anything/everything

Feel free to pay more if you want to, haha - for me right now it's more interesting to get more followers and connect to a wider network, so if you can do that it is much appreciated!
On bandcamp I host all my piano/electric piano recordings, but there's also a decent selection of electronic NS1 & NS2 pieces up there too - if theres something you heard on YouTube that isn't there, just let me know and I'll add it! Any comments/add to library/follow kind of stuff you can do is also appreciated!
cheers and have a nice day!
Plenty more music on the way :-)
cool will check your bandcamo ns1/2 stuff when will be back at computer