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  • Indeed! No rush. NS2 actually does more than lots of the DAW’s out there already. Plus, people are cranking out tunes. All I see are satisfied customers. Best release of DAW music software anyone has witnessed. Matt should chill and do whatever he wants :+1:
  • bought knowing they will!
  • Ableton Live works the same way, you put midi notes on the parent channel and the children receive the midi. The one issue (which I pointed out to Matt in a different thread) is that on the MIDI Track Input where you would be receiving MIDI data/notes from another track, the Transpose and Range Limit does not work for…
  • Ableton Live allows group nesting as well and use it often. On this current NS2 song I’m working on I have a string group but then I have a pizz type group, full string group, violins group, etc. This way I can apply insert processing on those sub groups because they are similar frequency and sound types. Saves processing…
  • That would be crazy! Excellent idea.
  • We reeeeeee...eeeeeeeally need to get a category for songs. This mega thread is too mega! I think it’s easier for the song writer to find their feedback in individual threads and easier for me to see what I haven’t listened to. I’m behind on my listening (I apologize for that, fellow music makers) and it’s pretty hard to…
  • Sure but none of those apps are as complex as NS2. Brambos apps are awesome, but individually they don’t have nearly the complexity that NS2 does, IMHO. While Matt’s fixing your specific issue, he might be in the same code making some other changes for other issues/enhancements. Again, NS2 isn’t broken where nobody can…
  • I’ve seen devs do it on bugs that completely break the app rendering it nearly unusable. This is not one of those bugs.
  • So far I’ve got a work around that I’ve been using since NS1 that’s pretty solid. It’s a bit strange, but I open up the clip and draw in (or play them on the included keyboard) the actual notes that I want to use. The only bug I’ve found is that sometimes a note or two doesn’t sound right with either the clip I’m in or…
  • That’s crazy! Will have to try as well!
  • Maybe if you tap the duplicate once, it brings up the menu with one of the options that says “Hold Duplicate Button to Copy in Place” with some sort of graphical emphasis on the word hold that is consistent through the GUI for similar hold functions. Spitballin.
  • Yeah I didn’t realize how much I do this on push until you mentioned it. It’s second nature now.
  • Haha, it’s just two fingers. One to hold the duplicate button down, the other to tap the arrow. Once you do that, you just use the arrows as normal with the already selected notes. You don’t have to hold duplicate anymore.
  • I wish I could select some notes, then while holding down then duplicate button, I could use the arrows and as soon as pressed the first arrow, it would duplicate all the notes and move them as that same selected group. Then You take your finger off the duplicate button and work as normal with the selected notes. This is…
  • Are you saying “when you draw automation and play it back” or “just turning knobs in real-time”?
  • Any thoughts on creating an Obsidian sound pack out of Model D samples?
  • @JaeLaRedd that is some super smooth music! Mix is great and I love the trippiness of those pad choices. But my fav is the drums on the second one. Silky groove. Excellent stuff!
  • Yeah that’s really a tough one. IMO, BM3 is the closest thing to an MPC/Maschine workflow I have seen, and it’s really really good at that. It’s waaaaaay more advanced than slate. I practice finger drumming and kit setup (slice to pads, for example) every single day in BM3 because the layout is, IMO, second to none. BUT,…
  • @UncleBen great tune! The clarity of the different textures in the mix is spot on. You featured those sounds very well. Excellent work! :)
  • YES! I find it a lot easier to do in this view for some reason. I think it’s the left to right hand movement instead of up and down. But they both work so er’body can be happy :)
  • @dendy this tune is fantastic! Everything fits together so nicely, great stereo field, that bass is awesome. Love the melody lines! That mix is top notch. It’s my fav NS2 tune yet!!! :+1: :+1: :+1:
  • @madejust I had a bit of an issue at the beginning as well because I think I had NS1 muscle memory that made it challenging to find what I wanted. I was treating it like NS1. @dendy is correct the manual is outstanding and got me in the groove really quickly. Glad to have you in the community!
  • This is gold! Thanks for sharing that @Nomzai !
  • I’ve been busy IRL so haven’t been making music but plan on going through the patches this weekend and maybe tossing some in this tune I’m working through. Thank you all very much for contributing with patches. I’m not much of a sound designer so having new sources of inspiration are appreciated greatly :+1:
  • I suppose that’s better than unkilled sheep!
  • I'm kicking this thread again because...its starting to seriously trigger me haha. I know there are tons of other great things to work on, but this...this really kills me. If I was only doing volume ramps that would be one thing, but unfortunately that's just not the case because that's where you have to automate all the…